Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Finished Round 2 of 21 Day Fix

Hey everyone. I am thrilled to share my newest results with you. 

I lost another 5 lbs and 2 more inches off my waist as well as a half inch here and a 1/4 inch there!

I am beyond thrilled and excited to see my results continue. My transformation is just a start and a lifelong journey. I have to take care of my body if I want it to take care of me. 

Now this round I was already ready to go with my meals and my shakes. I knew exactly what was going on and what to eat. I was use to the workouts and even bumped up my weight for some of the workouts. Oh yeah and I can do some push ups now too! 

I have stuck with the 21 Day Fix program but now I am adding to it. I decided to take a leap and do P90. Yep 90 days of Tony Horton getting me in better shape. This program is built for anyone. It is not extreme and yes there are modifications to the workout.

So let the fun continue. 

I also have decided to continue holding some 21 Day challenges for anyone wanting simple eating and simple workouts to get fast results. 

 If you would love to get tips on fitness and recipes for meals 

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