Tuesday, July 29, 2014

To Start Off

I am completely thrilled and excited to start a blog specifically about my not so crafty life. This is the very first post which will give you an intro into why I am in the place I am at now. So SORRY this is a little bit long winded!!!

I must say I wanted to stat this blog to hold me accountable to a healthy habitual lifestyle. I have jumped on the wagon and off and on and off. So it is time for me to jump back on!

Those who personally know me from my past and my present would know two completely different people. Now I am wanting to tie them both together in a healthy manner.

For those who know the present me, let me give a little insight.

After high school, I was in great shape, worked 2-3 jobs at a time, and went to college full time. My mother use to say I would burn myself out and guess what Mother knows best! I was able to push from 2004 all the way through to 2007 in this manner while adding in time for the spa days, beaches, parties, and clubbing. I loved to dance and could dance the night away. I could eat and drink and nothing effected me. I didn't care about how much sleep I was able to get as long as I had a good time and made it to the beach a few times a week I was happy. 

With that being said, at this stage in life all I cared about was finishing school so I could get a great job to have great things. I had had a serious relationship in high school which of course did not work out and then another serious relationship after that. I realized I just wanted to have fun and focus on me. Still not taking into account what I was doing to myself and thinking of the future.

Well in 2007 I had graduated with a few degrees and was ready for the next step of education but I fell in love and followed him across the US. A few months later of no school, no working, no dancing, no friends, and no family I started to notice a difference in myself. I started to become unhappy and started to feel something was wrong. Unhappy, I went back home to California only to truly have my world turned upside down.

I am only 22 and the hormonal changes I would undergo changed my life forever.  I finally started working again and got back into school working towards my Bachelors but I would get really sick. So of course it gets bad enough I go to the doctor. My hormones were so jacked up I stopped my birth control as they thought maybe that was the problem. They swore up and down I was pregnant as I had stopped having a cycle, but this was not the case. You have to have sex to get pregnant and well this girl was not having any action at the time. So for a few more weeks, the appointments kept on, I felt crappy and the doctor finally sent me to a specialist. The specialist would then tell me I have growths on my thyroid and that my thyroid levels are low, which would account for my weight gain, appetite loss, and tiredness!  

So starts all the chaos creating the future I am in now! After several appointments for ultrasounds, blood work, and biopsies, I would learn that I am at risk for cancer and that I have to do this system of testing yearly! At 22 I am at risk for cancer...this can't be. I am not sure if it is good or bad but the biopsy came  up with no results as not enough cells were pulled from the growth. At this time there were only 2. 

Well shortly after all this, not thinking clearly my fiance and I would get pregnant (I didn't think I could without a cycle). So would start the next chapter of excitement and craziness. I did great though the pregnancy minus the risk of cervical cancer that I would find out later was incorrectly diagnosed. I had my daughter and shortly after I actually started to feel like my old self. I stayed in school and worked through the whole pregnancy almost up until the end. Then I started to feel bad all over again.

My thyroid levels were low again, the doctors didn't tell me, but now I also had high cholesterol and another nodule (lump) had grown on my thyroid. Yay. So trying a different contraceptive my body would still not act right and I would start the fight of losing weight from having my daughter.

Well I started to feel bad again this time my cholesterol is still high but now add in the basically high risk of diabetes type 2. My doctor then would say I know your only 24 but your showing signs of a 70 year old woman. Seriously....did some old spirit jump in my body and take over? Not joking I seriously thought this because my life literally was forever changed, personality and all.

So no on heart medicine, and some vitamins for my cholesterol and weight, I hit a plateau with my eating organic and healthy while working out was not enough to kick the diabetes. I had decided on getting a nutritionist. I learned how to eat a little healthier than I was and even kicked in the gluten free. Yay!!!!!! I was down to pre pregnancy weight and was out of the woods for diabetes. I still had the cholesterol problems and had to take the heart medicine until......

I got pregnant again! Had to stop the medicine and boy did this baby do a number on me. First 4 months were hell. I was sick literally with the turn of my head. I threw up on average 11 times a day and ended up taking more pills just to keep down fluids. I was lucky though finally back to my organic healthy eating and the move to my mother's place in Vegas I started to feel better. I was gaining practically no weight they treated me like a diabetic and by 6 months I had only gained 10 pounds. It was a tough pregnancy and he is still a tough little cookie. But I was lucky and only gained 40 pounds total. However, there was a downfall with this pregnancy.... He grew really low and already int he dropped down position which gave me the pregnancy complications! So more stretch marks (rightfully earned) but now shamefully I have a gut.

Well the doctor said things would go back down and well once again I was lied too. I have always been that girl who loved to look good in everything. Best part was I never had to do anything to look good. Well now I think I am being punished for that mentality as I have a "apron" or "pannus" as the doctors call it. Plain and simple I am fat and have a tire roll for a midsection.

Since having my son I can't take the medicines I need to because the kid won't stop the breastfeeding. I tried early on to kick the habit and how I went right with my daughter and wrong with my son makes no sense to me. But he is a bedtime boobie monster! Trust me....I have tried all methods of breaking the habit, from pacifier, to screaming for hours crying for several nights on end. Finally I choose to end the battle. I have accepted that my son is special and will drink from sippies but that his momma is his special comfort!

So now where we are today!
I still have to go back for my annual series of tests since I haven't in two years! I have no clue where I stand with my thyroid, my risk of cancer, or my cholesterol. I have however, started juicing, and working out again. YAY me.

But now more than ever I really want to buckle down and kick my butt in gear and get back that girl I use to be with the mom I am now. I want my confidence back, and that means I have to maintain it.

Therefore I will be sharing more personal failures and triumphs with those who would love to follow along and even try to make some better habits in life themselves!

So starting up soon I will start posting about my measurements and my trials and my errors of meals and workouts I try. I will also share some of my favorite beauty tips and tries.

This girl is ready to own my lifestyle by trial and error as trying is the only way to succeed!