Monday, August 18, 2014

A New Step in a AMAZING Direction!

Okay everyone. I have been eating healthy 
like this

pineapple juice as soon as I get up
a healthy breakfast (egg scramble, or oatmeal)
drink a half of cup of coffee (or no coffee)
Lunch ( small thin sliced chicken breast on mixed greens a sprinkle of feta and a drizzle of balsamic viniagrette dressing and a couple croutons - I am still trying to jump back on the gluten free wagon- or a wrap. MMMM I just wrap a salad up literally. 
Dinner... another salad or protein with a little serving of quinoa and lots of veggies.


6 pounds baby. Yes. Yes. and YES...

Healthy eating and organic eating and portion control.

Which brings me to my next big exciting thing...

I signed up to be a Beachbody Fitness Coach.

I will be starting a new challenge on Facebook soon using the 21Day Fix and Shakeology powered together to help me reach my goals. Guess what you can order a challenge pack too and workout right along side of me to reach your own personal or health goals.   

Want to be a coach as well???

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New Beginnings

I am finally home and adjusted somewhat back to our home environment. Lots had to be done when we got back home and let me tell you I didn't have jet lag but crap a 6 hour drive home and then loads and loads of laundry, gardening, shopping, repairing, cleaning, more repairing, more cleaning...etc.

Let me tell you this mom is tired. Well I need to snap out of my funk and get with the groove. 
My daughter will be starting school soon and I need to start getting up cooking and leaving. I have got to get my diet right and portion control. I really need to work oh my water intake. 

So my first problem... soda... I was drinking a soda a day or two last month.... big large fat no no. But I go through these spells where I am craving the carbonation and the flavor. I actually tried to drink one last night and after a few sips I felt like I wasted the soda. So it took me forever to drink it because I wasn't craving it. 

Next problem... I started drinking beer Redd's Apple Ale to be exact. I was also drinking the bloating drink Mike's Hard Lemonades and The Harder ones too. Well I use to be a glass of wine every other night or on the weekends... I would rather that then drinking beers or alcohol's that make you feel fat!


I am also cutting pasta. People have said do whole grain pasta. SERIOUSLY it takes like crap. SO DOES GLUTEN FREE PASTA. I am just being honest. I would rather cut something out then eat something trying to taste like something delicious. 

Breads.... I love bread... zucchini bread, banana bread, TEXAS ROADHOUSE DINNER ROLLS, biscuits, pancakes, crepes, cornbread, hush puppies..... I am telling you I can eat!  Well I am going back to sprouted bread, flat outs, or no bread at all. 

Sprouted bread or Ezekial Bread is the best if you must eat bread. It is actually dense and filling. It does take a little time to get use to but in the end it is good for you!!

Now of course some people might read this and I am not nutrionist or health advisor. I am not a doctor and I am not a specialist. This is just what I am doing for myself to be health and happy with myself. Putting good things into to fuel my body for a healthy lifestyle is all I am doing and sharing. Of course I already know I may try and cheat but I am going to do my best to not!

I am also going back to the gym this week Thursday and Friday. Got to get back into Spin class and Body Pump. 

Hoping to have a better report for you next week and then maybe have some starting measurements for you! Maybe some before photos. 

Wishing you all healthy habits.